August 2018 – Why Do Pregnant Women Go To The Chiropractor and Is It Safe?

Hi All,

Today I will answer a commonly asked question: Why do pregnant women and women looking to get pregnant go to the chiropractor and is it safe? I hope you find this newsletter useful and please share this with with those you believe could benefit from this information!

Click on the Video Box below to watch the video

Stern Chiropractic is here to support you and your family on your path to Optimal Health and Well-being.  Make sure to check out our 2017 newsletter series on Prenatal and Maternity Chiropractic Care in our Newsletter Archive !

I hope this video will motivate you to come in for a Nerve System Check-up!  If you are interested in learning more or I can be of further assistance, please call my office at (847) 537-2225 (BACK) to make an appointment or schedule a FREE consultation.