March 2011 – Beat the Winter Blues

Hi All,

Grey skies are going to clear up, so put on a happy face!  Welcome to March and the official start of SPRING (March 20th).

I see many people whose moods and health are negatively impacted by the winter cold and the Lack of Sunshine.  For some, this is more severe than for others but please know that if this is you or someone you know, there are definite ways to improve your/their situation!

As indicated in “The Secret”, your thoughts (and more importantly your beliefs) create your reality, so if you change your beliefs you can change your reality.  This is much easier said than done but the following tips may help you improve your mood during these more trying times (I recognize this will not “fix” everyone but it can certainly help many of you):

  1. Spend as much time as you can in enjoying the sun that is available.
  2. Spend enough time outside getting fresh air – go for a walk
  3. Deep Breathing – deep belly breathing will help clear your system, reduce your stress and give you energy.
  4. Relaxation & Visualization – relaxation and visualization techniques will be at the core of your stress management efforts and can    dramatically change how you experience each day.
  5. Meditation, Yoga or Tai Chi – clearing the mind, centering your energy and spirit and deep cleansing breaths can do wonders for your mood.
  6. Change Your Paradigms – altering the way you perceive your environment and how you let
    things affect you is truly getting to the source of mental/emotional health.  This is very difficult but is a MUST to maintain good spirits when you find your environment challenging.
  7. Regular Chiropractic Care keeps your nerve system healthy allowing   your body to more easily handle stress and maintain good spirits.

In addition to the psychological components, there are safe and non-invasive chemical and physical things you can do to help you through the “dreary times.”

  1. Exercise – clears your minds, improves your health and raises your spirits.
  2. Healthy Diet & Proper Supplementation – Vegetables, fruit, lean meats, whole
    grains, a high quality multi-vitamin, high doses of vitamin D3 and fish oil
    along with a high quality Probiotics will provide your body the nutrients and
    energy it needs to function well.  (NOTE: Junk food, refined, processed carbohydrates, white flour and white sugar are very INFLAMMATORY to your system and will increase feelings of depression.)
  3. Adequate Hydration – drink at least ½ your body weight in ounces of water each day.
  4. Restorative Rest – sleep is a time of healing, stress reduction & improved brain
    function.  Make sure you are getting enough good quality sleep (taking sleep medications will inhibit your ability to reach REM).
  5. Regular Chiropractic Care – Excess stress can cause your nerve system to “blow a fuse” similar to the way a power surge affects the fuse box at your home.   Chiropractic adjustments “flip your fuses” and turn your power back on allowing your body to function properly.
  6. Massage – very effective way to reduce stress and muscle tension improving your health and mood.


On 2/22/11 Dr. Stern was honored by the Stevenson High School Foundation for the educational programs her provides to students.  The 2/11 Newsletter from the SHS foundation noted:

Dr. Gregg Stern, Stern Chiropractic
Pat Wilder (SHS business liaison) and Dolores Fisher (FMP Coordinator) nominated Dr. Stern for his many contributions to their programs. For the past eight years, Dr. Stern has spoken to SHS Freshmen Advisories about backpack safety and identifying other healthy ways to avoid stress on the body and mind. He has also been a regular speaker for our summer Careers in Medicine classes and a participant in the past two Career Fairs.

Please Note: My entire professional life is about helping newborns, infants, babies,  children, pregnant women, families and individuals get healthy and stay healthy naturally and when you can help a child to learn healthy lifestyle habits (diet, supplementation, exercise, restorative rest, stress management tools and maintaining a healthy nerve system) you will not only increase the length and quality of their life but also the lives of all those they touch and generations to come.

If you know of any schools, children’s groups, maternity groups or clubs and organizations that you belong to that would like to learn more about getting healthy and staying healthy
naturally, PLEASE let me know.  I would love to help you and your loved ones experience life to its fullest.

 Our expertise will improve your family’s Quality of Life!

Call SternChiropractic to schedule your family’s health evaluation TODAY!

I hope you have enjoyed our newsletter.  If you know someone this may help, please share it.  This small act of sharing can have profound effects for generations to come.

LIKE Stern Chiropractic on Facebook and see health and wellness articles posted on a regular basis.