Taking Control of Your Health – The Stern Chiropractic Newsletter
Referral Corner:
The Greatest Compliment my Patients Can Give is the Referral of Their Friends and Loved Ones. Thank You For Your Trust. This month, I would like to thank the following people: Robyn Klein, Lauren Jolcover, Sheryl Jamruszka, John Fortes, The Weiner Family, The Stine Family & The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association.
Charity Corner:
Stern Chiropractic is collecting donations for The Buffalo Grove Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Program. Stern Chiropractic will make a matching contribution (certain restrictions apply). Please join me in helping young minds grow.
Topic of the Month : THE FLU
Do we need drugs to help fight off this infective organism or do we need to enhance our own bodies’ ability to fight these bugs? Have we created a monster? Are the viral bugs evolving and becoming super bugs like many of the bacterial bugs have become? Are the drugs we use to keep us “healthy” actually reducing our own immune system response and making our bodies less able to protect themselves? Are these drugs providing the stepping-stones necessary for the once bothersome influenza virus to become a killer like the antibiotics did for some of the bacterial strains? Do we need drugs to “protect” us from the flu? These are important questions to consider. Everybody must make his or her own decision.
Our bodies were designed with an immune system, for protecting us against infective organisms. When our bodies are supported with proper nervous system function, proper nutrition and proper rest, we should be able to fight off these invading pathogens. Some people inherently have weaker immune systems and need additional help, but, in general, our bodies should be able to handle these common infective organisms. Are our immune systems weaker than they used to be or are these organisms stronger than they used to be?
Antibiotics were created, utilized successfully, and then, over utilized. This over- utilization provided a way for the bacteria to evolve into stronger, more virulent strains, that required stronger antibiotics. This still continues, but doctors have been asked to reduce their prescriptions of antibiotics for conditions that don’t warrant them (especially when it is a viral infection). Now, many doctors are being pressured by their patients to prescribe these antibiotics, even when it is not appropriate, because the general public has been conditioned to think that whenever they get sick, they can take an antibiotic to get better. This is not the case! Over prescribing antibiotics has caused the evolution of more virulent strains of bacteria, as well as having created a situation in which our bodies have become dependent on external support to fight off these infective organisms and are no longer able to do it on their own.
There was a time, not so long ago, that the flu, like the chicken pox, was considered to be an inconvenient infection that we contracted, suffered with and then recovered from. Now, these 2 viral infections are being promoted as “KILLERS.” In our efforts to make our lives more comfortable and convenient (so we don’t have to miss work or be slowed down by illness) have we caused a deterioration of our own immune systems, an increased virility of these infective organisms or, perhaps, both? In our fast-paced society, with high stress, poor nutrition, and lack of exercise and sleep, we have created a situation in which our bodies are in a constant “fight-or-flight” mode. This is causing reduced immune function due to increased adrenaline and cortisol levels. In addition to the stress, poor nutrition and lack of sleep are taxing our already diminished resources to the point that things that never made us sick before are now causing severe illness.
What Can We Do?
Enhance your immune system instead of relying upon drugs to protect you, by…
1. Getting yourself adjusted regularly! Chiropractic Care will provide for optimal functioning of your nervous system by removing subluxations (mechanical interference in your nervous system caused by restrictions in spinal joints). Proper nervous system function will allow for better functioning of your immune system.
2. Balancing your meridians! Acupuncture is an amazing way to boost your body’s own healing abilities and help it function at its highest levels.
3. Having regular massages! Massage is a very effective way of reducing stress and enhancing overall health… and it feels good too! (Call about our discount gift certificate booklets.)
4. Getting proper nutrition and hydration!
-Avoid foods that may be compromising your immune system, such as dairy and wheat. – Reduce saturated fats and increase omega 3 fats in your diet.
– Increase the amounts of fruits, vegetables and water in your diet.
5. Taking appropriate supplementation!
– Take Vitamins A, C, E, B6, and Folic Acid, as well as minerals such as Zinc.
– Take a high quality multi- vitamin, like those sold at Stern Chiropractic, to help provide you with proper nutrients each day.
6. Exercising regularly! Exercise is a wonderful stress-buster and will enhance your overall health.
7. Resting – everybody is different and needs different amounts of rest. Your body knows what you need. Make sure to get it!
8. Reducing Stress – change your paradigms, do relaxation & visualization exercises, meditate, do Tai Chi or Yoga (see 12/02 newsletter on stress in the Stern Chiropractic Newsletter Archives.)
Living a healthy lifestyle, getting adjusted regularly and having your meridians balanced can help you stay healthy!
Products of the Month : ESBERITOX, SAVENTARO (for those with Autoimmune problems) and, VITAMIN C 1000
Esberitox is a combination of 3 very powerful herbs (Echinacea, White Cedar and Wild Indigo). This product is extremely effective in boosting the body’s immune system and helping to ward off as well as shorten the length and intensity of the common cold and flu. Saventaro is the sister product to Esberitox for those who have autoimmune diseases. Both of these products work wonders for boosting the appropriate mechanisms of your immune system to fight off these viral infections. I would be remiss if I did not also include Vitamin C as a product of the month. Vitamin C is well known for its antioxidant effects and for its support of the immune system.
I hope this information helps you take control of your health and your life! If you have any questions, feedback or have any suggestions for future topics, please call or email me.
If you know someone who would be interested in receiving this newsletter, if you would like to receive this newsletter via email, or if you would prefer to no longer receive this newsletter, please let me know.
Don’t forget the importance of maintaining your health with regular chiropractic and acupuncture care.
Gregg Stern, D.C., FICPA