Welcome to a WONDERFUL New Year! In the past I have discussed being prepared to hit the ground running to create Your BEST YEAR EVER! This is important but there is something else you must consider. The last few months of the year (the end of last year and the holiday season) are very hectic for many people and in order to create the YEAR & LIFE of YOUR DREAMS, you must be energized, rejuvenated and ready to take on the world.
If last year was your BEST YEAR EVER and you have a plan to make 2013 even better, keep doing what you are doing. For many, this is not the case, so how can you rejuvenate and create YOUR BEST YEAR EVER?
One of my favorite quotes says it best:
“Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of Insanity. “
– Albert Einstein
How does this apply? You need to change things up and do things differently than you have in the past. Start by creating a practice to clear your head and listen to your inner self – a meditation practice (See Our October 2011 Newsletter for more information of Meditation). A meditation practice will allow you to:
Rejuvenate – Re-energize
Clear your head
Connect with your inner self
From this space you will have a more clear vision of what you need to do and the mindset and energy to do it.
For additional information, see our April 2010 Newsletter – Planning for Success.
Message of Wisdom for the New Year
There are many easy things you can do to move yourself toward a better and more JOYFUL life and Stern Chiropractic is here to facilitate that process for you. With that in mind, I have enclosed some wonderful words of wisdom that I compiled from a presentation I attended by Deepak Chopra. Message of Wisdom for the New Year from Stern Chiropractic.
I hope you enjoy these thoughts and more importantly I hope this helps you have your BEST YEAR EVER!
Healthy Lifestyle Educational Series
Wellness – Mind, Body & Spirit
Starting in February 2013 Stern Chiropractic will begin a monthly program of educational talks designed to help you create the LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS via improving the health of your Mind, Body & Spirit.
Stay tuned for more details – these life changing programs are something you don’t want to miss!
Feel free to contact us with any questions or suggestions on topics and information you would like us to cover.