November 2010 – Planning for the New Year

Hi All,

November is here and we are quickly approaching the beginning of a new year.  I hope you have already made a plan for how you can finish this year in a BURST of GLORY and start the New Year FULL SPEED AHEAD.  If you have not, don’t worry, just get started.

How are you going to finish this year on top?   What are you planning so that next year will be your BEST YEAR EVER?

  • Make  sure to take some time, look at how the year has goneSmiley Face
  • Pat yourself on the back for the things you are proud of
  • Carefully evaluate how to improve upon the things that did not go as well as you may have wanted them to.
  • Keep your spirits high
  • Do good things for others and
  • Focus on what is truly important to you.

Have you set your goals for 2011?  If not, now is the time to start.

You have the absolute ability to create the life of your dreams but you have to decide it is worth the effort.

Take some time for yourself, review your 2010 goals and see what needs to be changed for the New Year, make the appropriate adjustments or completely change everything.

Make sure your goals (Your Roadmap to the Life of Your Dreams) are congruent with your true desires and purpose then determine what action steps are needed to get the ball rolling and take them.

For me, service to others, giving back and gratitude for what I have are very important and am always available to help those that are interested, to learn more about how they can live happier and healthier lives.

If you belong to a club, church, temple … that would be interested in having me come in to do a talk on health and wellness related topics or if you would like to host one of our “Spread the Health” home health and wellness parties, please contact me to set it up.

I also make great efforts to provide easy ways for you and others to give back and help.

Thank you to all who contributed to our Halloween Costume drive

– you made a lot of needy children VERY HAPPY!

During the months of November & December you can help local families in need.  Stern Chiropractic is hosting our annual food drive. We are collecting non-perishable food for the Vernon Township Food Pantry.

  • You can drop your food donations off at our office.


Stern Chiropractic is Chicagoland’s Wellness Lifestyle resource and is here to help guide you and your family to an EXTRAODINARY LIFE of Love, Joy, Health and Happiness in 2010.

Call NOW to get your family started on their EXTRAORDINARY journey!

I hope you have enjoyed our newsletter.  If you know someone this may help, please share it.  This smallest act of sharing can have profound effects for generations to come.

Like Stern Chiropractic on Facebook and see health and wellness articles posted on a regular basis.