Create the Year of Your Dreams – January-February 2005

Taking Control of Your Health – The Stern Chiropractic Newsletter


Referral Corner:
The Greatest Compliment my Patients Can Give is the Referral of Their Friends and Loved Ones. Thank You For Your Trust. This month, I would like to thank the following people: The Grossi Family, The Mottlowitz Family, Ghida Neukirch, The Goldsmith Family, Nicole Miller, The Wiczer Family & my favorite person in the whole world (along with my children), Dr. Debbie Stern.

Charity Corner:
Stern Chiropractic is collecting donations for The Buffalo Grove Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Program. Stern Chiropractic will make a matching contribution (certain restrictions apply). Please join me in helping young minds grow.


The New Year is here. I hope everyone had a wonderful 2004. If you have not set your goals for 2005 (see the last newsletter in the archives at, do it now. If you have set your goals, it is time to take action. Remember, taking action is one of the greatest stress relievers and one of the only ways to put your plans into motion.

As a brief review, first you want to create a vision of your perfect life (if there were no limitations and no restrictions), but be careful what you wish for because it may just come true. Next, write this vision down in full detail. Make it so real that when you read it you can taste, touch and feel what it is like to live that life. Next, create short and long term goals that form a path from where you are now to where you want to be. Make sure to make the time frames and goals realistic. Next, think about people you know or you are aware of that live this type of life. What qualities do they have that allow them to live this life and be who they are? Make a list of qualities that you would need to have to be that person that lives the life you desire and determine which qualities you already posses and which ones you need to work on. Now it is time to take action toward achieving these goals.

One great action step to take that will change your life is doing daily affirmations. Why should you do daily affirmations? There are several reasons. First, doesn’t it bother you that 100’s of times a day you are bombarded with pharmaceutical, fast food and other advertisements slowly but surely working their way into you subconscious? For example, try not to finish the following slogans in your head: Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz, Oh …; Winston tastes good … Well, guess what, 100’s of times a day you are subconsciously beating yourself up with negative self talk. What is negative self talk? Start paying attention to your thoughts during the day. You have a conversation with a business associate or friend and it ends on a bad note. In your head you start questioning yourself, “why did I say that. That was stupid!” “I totally blew that one…” We beat ourselves up on a regular basis and we’re much meaner and more degrading to ourselves than we ever would be to anyone else. It is not a bad thing to recognize when you have done something wrong and it may even be a good idea to try to fix the problem you may have caused BUT there are more productive ways to go about this than beating yourself up. Next, a great way to change who you are inside to be more like the person you envision yourself being is to remind yourself on a regular basis who you are and who you want to be. Finally, by replacing negative self-talk with positive affirmations and by consciously and sub-consciously enhancing your own vision of yourself, not only to you start to become the person in your vision of a perfect life but you start to feel better and enjoy yourself more.

What are Affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements that stimulate your mind with an attitude of expectancy. Affirmations control the thoughts that you think. Affirmations are your opportunity to condition yourself to be exactly who you want to be. If you choose the thoughts you allow to dominate your thinking process, in essence, you are choosing what you want to manifest in your own reality.

Guidelines for Creating Your Affirmations.
1. Must be in writing.
2. Must support whatever it is that you want.
3. Should be written and read in the 1st person singular in the current time frame (i.e. I live my life in full congruency with my beliefs).
4. Best said in the morning, just after awakening and in the evening just before bed.
5. Must be said aloud with enthusiasm (emotion is the key to connecting your conscious to your subconscious)
6. Should be carried around with you during the day so when you start to get down on yourself, you can instantly read them and re-focus on the bigger picture.

I understand that in the beginning you will feel uncomfortable and silly saying these things out load with vigor, BUT if you focus on the greater goal, you will get past this initial uncomfortable feeling and move right into the invigorated and excited stage.

Keep in mind, affirmations are not just for adults, they are great for building self esteem in children of all ages.

Finally, why is a chiropractor writing about affirmations? Remember, Chiropractic is not just a form of treatment to get you healthy and keep you healthy; it is a lifestyle that that enhances your existence on many levels!

I thank The Masters Circle for leading me down this path and providing me with much of this information.

Products of the Month : I am a LOVABLE ME – Book

Telling children they are loved, lovable and special — and reinforcing this message every day from the time they are born (or even before they are born) — instills a core of confidence which will stay with them as they grow. Children should also learn at a young age to give themselves positive reinforcement.

To help even the youngest child develop and practice the core building blocks of constructive internal dialogue, Sharon Penchina, C.Ht. and Dr. Stuart Hoffman introduce the I AM a Lovable ME! Series with the first book being I AM a Lovable ME!

This book contains affirmations for Children and is filled with loving, self-affirming words spoken by the “LOVABLE ME” bug. Both children and their parents will enjoy this whimsical journey while the self-talk builds positivity and strong self-esteem.

I hope this information helps you take control of your health and your life! If you have any questions, feedback or have any suggestions for future topics, please call or email me.

If you know someone who would be interested in receiving this newsletter, if you would like to receive this newsletter via email, or if you would prefer to no longer receive this newsletter, please let me know.

Don’t forget the importance of maintaining your health with regular chiropractic and acupuncture care.


Gregg Stern, D.C., FICPA